What can I say, in the past four years that I've gotten to know the Dutch culture and the Dutch people, they've won a place in my heart. But because the country is so small, many people I know aren't very familiar with the Dutch way of life. I bet there are some Americans out... Continue Reading →
3 Things that make the Netherlands a “gezellig” place to live
You might be familiar with the Danish word "hygge", which roughly means something like "cozy". Well, the Dutch have a word for it too— gezelligheid. Yeah, I know, it's a bit of a mouthful. Maybe that's why the Danish one caught on more. But the Dutch really love for things to be "gezellig" (cozy). If... Continue Reading →
Coronavirus: US vs. The Netherlands
Because I'm an American expat living in the Netherlands, I almost always find myself comparing between the two cultures, even without trying. I mean, I even wrote a post about how something as simple as grocery shopping can be so different in the two countries. So of course, now in this Coronavirus crisis, I find... Continue Reading →
3 Things Americans can Learn from Dutch College Kids
Do you want to what the absolute one that blew my mind about Dutch people? When I first visited the Netherlands and got to know the country better, one of the things I immediately realized was that the Dutch youth were way more mature than what I was used to. Americans in college are basically... Continue Reading →
3 Reasons Why I Moved to the Netherlands
Lately, people have been asking me how my recent-ish move to the Netherlands has been treating me. The question comes from both friends and strangers alike, and it makes sense! I'm from New York, the concrete jungle. I'm also very American in many ways. I like everything to be biiiiggg. Small European toilets? I can't... Continue Reading →
15 Things to Know Before Moving to the Netherlands
A guide for Americans moving to the Netherlands. 1. Get a burgerservicenummer (BSN)! The first thing you need to do right after you've moved to the Netherlands is get a BSN number. Without it, you can't get a bank account. And without a bank account, you're pretty much fucked. You can't pay for many things... Continue Reading →